The Future Landscape of Work and its new dynamics

10 min read

WHY NEW TECH & COVID MIGHT PUSH YOU OUT OF YOUR REMOTE WORK JOB INTRO: 47 IS KILLING! In a 2017 study two scholars, Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne from Oxford University, suggest 47 percent of USA jobs could be automated away in the next 20 years by the new tech forces: computers and robots, fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), guided by ever stronger algorithms. The number was all over the media, raising modest hysteria about our jobless future. 47% is a panicking number indeed. But when we read the study itself nuances emerge. First of all, the…...

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Carl Rohde Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde writes for DDI on the New Tech Forces and their cultural-sociological impact and meaning for contemporary and future culture and society. During the last ten years Rohde occupied professorate chairs in ‘Future Forecasting & Innovation’ in Shanghai, Barcelona and the Netherlands. Rohde also leads a virtual network of trend spotters and market researchers worldwide.

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